This Is the Game We're In

by InfotainMe

I actually expected less from this video.  Which is to say, I expected a more muted, indirect approach to the illegal proceedings.  Was I ever wrong.  It's specific down to Councilman Russo telling Maher Khalil where to deposit the bribe (16:25).

In hindsight, it makes sense.  If money ever changed hands, the Feds wanted an open and shut case like they had with Cammarano.  And if Russo had ever laid hands on that $5000, he was done.  He should be done now as far as running for office goes.  No serious person can claim that Russo did not know a bribe is what was being discussed; or rather a series of bribes.  More was to come after the election, "after things die down".

What comes through most disturbingly is a set of ethics in which the public trust is not a consideration.  Russo blames Pay to Play for the need to handle the transaction this way.  He speaks wistfully of the bygone era when this is simply how things were done, ie, simple influence-peddling cash transactions in the front office instead of the back room.  He twice calls Dwek "a smart man" in admiration of the under-handed qualities the rest of us would recoil from.  Russo brags about getting an apartment for Hector Claveria; which becomes a cautionary tale about favors and debts.  When Russo summarizes, "That's the game we're in" it is, yes, PC police, eerily evocative of "This is the life we have chosen."

There's an interesting anecdote told by Russo about gambling in AC.  The summation is fascinating.  He explains why he stayed with one casino, though he could have gone to others; a friend there took care of him. At that moment he fixes Dwek with a look, and Dwek understands.  Russo later says, "The days of the unspoken deal are over."  But in this moment he knows that he and Dwek have one.

I have been hammering him for not reporting this incident to the police.  But I see why he couldn't now.  He was as guilty as everyone else at the table; he committed his half of the crime.  He came, listened, understood what was going down - and agreed to be bribed in exchange for arranging introductions and outcomes for a man who made it clear he cared about nothing but himself.  It's all there, right down to where to deposit the money.  You don't go to the cops after that.  You just pray it goes away.

But sooner or later your protested innocence cannot coexist with the integrity of the authors of the book that chronicles this meeting.  If you're innocent, they're lying.  Protest too long and too loud, and the authors have no choice but to expose you for the half-in-the-net criminal you are.  It was them or you.  You should understand that one, Mike.

0:00 Russo starts earning his cash immediately, offering a meeting with "the new council members".

0:15 Dwek says he'll wait for a next meeting (payment?)... until Sept when things "calm down".  Russo: "Absolutely."

6:10 Khalil testifies to Dwek's 'virtues'; you can trust him.  Dwek: "We take care of our friends."  Khalil: "You can call him up tomorrow to get 5, 10 grand..."  Russo: "It's always nice to have friends like that."

6:57 Dwek explains that he is an investor and does not want to be left "at the bottom of the pile... That's why I do what I gotta do with the right people..."

Pause here.  This is all complex and expensive to set up.  Dwek is here making sure Russo knows this is a bribe.  If he is caught in the net, no jury will accept the defense that Russo doesn't know what is being asked and offered.  Russo: "Absolutely."

7:30.  Russo talks about going to AC.  This is a story with a point.  He went to the Plaza.  He stayed with them because "They took care of me."  At that moment he looks up at Dwek.  This is not a Felini film.  Figure it out.

13:44 Dwek says his main business is condos; he has compared Hoboken very favorably to NYC on price.

14:49 Dwek expresses admiration for Hoboken again, but refuses to get involved until he knows "the right people."  Russo assures him, "We'll definitely make sure you meet everyone you have to meet.. and we'll move that for you."

15:02 Dwek: "Whatever I do, I'll do through Maher... I don't want my name on anything."  Russo: "Not a problem."

15:30 Russo badmouths Pay to Play.  He blames it, in essence for this meeting.  Because it has to be done on the sly.

15:57 Dwek offers $5000, paid through Maher.  Dwek hammers home the point that his name has to be kept out of it.  Russo laughs agreeably.

16:17 Dwek offers a larger bribe after the election.

16:25 Russo & Khalil work out the details.  Khalil is to 'donate' the money to the "RussoForHoboken account".

16:39 Having accepted the bribe and stated where to deposit it, Russo assures Dwek that he will get started setting up the meetings he has promised to Dwek.  That is, he is eager to demonstrate that he will earn this money.  Remember the casino story.

19:00 Khalil offers to help with "the street campaign"  Russo gives his business card, pointing out that it has his cell phone, to a scoundrel and his bag man.

19:32 Russo relates the story of getting Hector Claveria appointed to the housing authority and the favors he expected in return.  "That's the game we're in."  "I did for you, you do for me."

20:20 Russo boasts that he got Claveria his apartment and helped him skate by on 4 months missed rent.  He wants his benefactors to know he can 'arrange outcomes'.  For this admission alone he should be shown the door.

Hoboken, if this isn't enough, there isn't enough.


  1. What you are missing info and GA is that this money seemed to also be for Mason's campaign GOTV

    He even promises to talk to her!

    Mason allowed him to "select her council slate"
    He'll have "all the votes on the council"
    They in total would help him leap frog the zoning process and get him approvals in less than a month!

    This is quid pro quo
    This is illegal
    This shows Mason's poor ability
    This is why Mason wants to attack young educated professonals hired by Mayor Zimmer

    Mason should also be removed immediately by public outcry!

  2. Great piece, Info.

    I think Info and I are on the same page as you in the 'wishful thinking' department but what's materially there on tape needs to be looked at more closely before flaming torches and pitchforks are deployed.

    And you must know seeing Mason carried off from City Hall would delight us to no end.

    In the meantime, I just ran to Home Depot and cleaned out their inventory of pitchforks and torches. So when the time comes, see me.

  3. I think some of the side story is interesting. Claveria is clearly the Hector Russo talks about. Russo clearly about using his debts as leverage on him by helping him keep his apartment. In the Jan 2010 Reporter on the subject Frank Raia's name comes up as having lent Claveria the money. Is it possible Raia was running this errand for the Russos? I think the time line fits.

  4. Beth is definitely guilty of bad judgment. Russo brags about setting her council slate (something that has never been admitted in public) I doubt the money was going to her though, if I recall she had almost no large contributors (aside from herself) 5K was a drop in the bucket to what she blew on the race.
    It is possible the money would have gone to off-the-books vote buying, but that is speculation who knows where the money would have gone and what Mason would have known about it. She certainly has should there is a lot she doesn't want to know about though.

  5. Beth made a deal with the devil. let's hope the voters in 2nd let her know what they think about that.

  6. I usually don't do these kinds of posts, but on this day of days, I will make an exception:
    Info is totally slammin' with this piece.
    Any media outlet which doesn't feature this flagrant dis to the people of Hoboken for what it is are useless and part of the problem. And let us not rest until justice is served. Otherwise Hoboken is indeed a joke, a punchline, and we deserve what we get.
    PS: The FBI don't work for free. We taxpayers have already paid for the investigation, so don't freakin' start with the "need more information" bullshit. The only mystery to me is why the FBI went this far with our tax dollars and chose not to finish the job. I'm a bit pissed. If we don't get a prosecution, can we get a refund?

  7. Beth is guilty of far more than bad judgment. She is guilty of letting her pride, greed and ambition get in the way of doing what was right. She has always known Russo was bad news and she ignored that fact to further her own interests. And she keeps ignoring that fact even though now his indiscretions are caught on tape for all to see. Still waiting for her to comment, for her minions to comment but I am certainly not holding my breath waiting b/c I like breathing. Personally I think she will just try to sweep it all under the rug and pretend it all never happened.


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