Mason Defies Rabbi Scheinberg

"I am glad that the artist has apologized for her poor judgment. Now it is time to move on.

The most sensitive events of the last century are entirely irrelevant to the critical issues that face Hoboken today. It is unwise and hurtful to invoke them, or the reaction to them, for rhetorical purposes or political gain. Hoboken is better off when the conversation stays focused on the substance of issues, rather than on issues of rhetoric."

-Rabbi Scheinberg Statement on Nov. 24, 2010

April 13, 2011-Mason defies her rabbi, Rabbi Scheinberg,who requested  to move on and not exploit the issue of anti-semitism for poltitical gain

GA asks members of the Hoboken United Synagogue to consider how your fellow congregant is hurting the entire Jewish community and inflaming our political discourse through the exploitation of the real issue of anti-Semitism for her personal political gain. Then speak with the rabbi, tell him your thoughts about this.

Of course this is a political strategy designed to change the subject.   

GA is moving  off this one and respecting the wishes of Rabbi Scheinberg when he said:
Hoboken is better off when the conversation stays focused on the substance of issues, rather than on issues of rhetoric.
Let's see if Mason respects Rabbi Scheinberg's wishes or continues to defy him.


  1. What Beth is doing is a total SHANDA! For those playing at home a shana is: A shame, a scandal. The expression "a shanda fur die goy" means to do something embarrassing to Jews where non-Jews can observe it.

  2. I may not be Jewish, but I just cannot let this pass! When will she ever stop being so completely offensive??? When? When? When?

    I'd like to think that Beth's tone-deafness, when it comes to this issue of the so-called, alleged "Hitler comparison", is due to the fact that she was not born a Jew and did not grow up in a Jewish home. But, Hell, I can't think or say that because she's married to Rickey who was born a Jew. I really do not know how he lets her spend his money to use anti-semitism as an offensive tool in a war against her perceived political enemies, especially those who happen to be Jewish.

    If I were a member of Rabbi Scheinberg's congregation, I would start raising holy Hell over this. I personally thought his initial reaction late last year was underwhelming and tepid in Beth's "favor". But now, I'd button-hole him, get in his face, write to him to let him know that Beth, along with her bully boys, is targeting a Jewish woman in the heat of a political campaign in order to punish her and ostracize her in her own community for the valid expression of her First Amendment rights. The last time I looked, we still had a Constitution in this Country (which includes the City of Hoboken) and every Hoboken resident who cares about the First Amendment (especially those who are members of the Rabbi's congregation)needs to make his/her voice heard on this issue.

  3. Beth appeared to come unhinged at the debate. First she played the victim, as if Nancy has anything to with Tom's campaign. She does not. Then Cujo rapidly turned in to the attack dog ranting about the Move Hoboken Forward PAC and called it hypocritical. For the record, Beth has a PAC totaling $102,000. Beth contributed $100,000 of the total. Move Hoboken Forward, on the other hand is a grassroots PAC made up of many small donors. The PAC adheres to the regular campaign donation limit of $2,600 per person, although the bulk of donations are much smaller. Beth tries to buy elections, good citizens want a level playing field. Most interesting part is when Perry used Beth "erroneous" lie of a $27 million budget surplus.The "correct" lie is $25 million Perry.

  4. If the woman was half as religious as she claims to be, she wouldn't lie w/ such alarming regularity.

  5. Her "conversion", such as it is, was a pre-requisite for the high-paying job of being Mrs. Richard Mason.

    If the synagogue has taken donations from the Masons and lets her use them as she has - and if you were in attendance on these occasions you know what I mean- they are jeopardizing their non-profit status by endorsing a candidate who will forever be running for something.

  6. I have not had time to view all of the debate, but am I seeing correctly, that Beth CAME WITH A COPY OF THE POSTER TO USE AS A PROP??? She clearly intended to bring the issue up as a non-sequitor to some random question. Uneffing believable. She is a carbuncle on the Hoboken. Please get rid of her, 2nd Ward.

  7. I'm walking away from this one.

    If Mason had the heart and soul of a Jew, she wouldn't be doing this. It's worse than a 'shonda' it's an offense against G-d. Her behavior contradicts the teachings of G-d and the Torah. I don't understand how she sits in a synagogue then behaves this way, in a hurtful and destructive manner to the Jewish community. Exploiting anti-Semitism to win an election. And Ricky her husband condones this? Ricky also wishes to defy Rabbi Scheinberg's wishes?

    Let Mason live with this on her conscience (I know). I'll survive, whatever she and her malevolent sidekick do, as a friend to and forgiven by my people. I am a Jew. Born a Jew. I can't say she will be forgiven when it's all over.

    This issue rests between Mason and her rabbi, Rabbi Scheinberg whom so far she has decided to defy.

  8. Perhaps it would be a good idea to contact the family of Gabby Giffords, just to fill them in on how Ms Mason sees fit to use their personal tragedy to make hay at a political debate. Somehow, Ms Mason, I can't see the direct parallel. As I said on MSV, Ms Mason isn't fit to touch the hem of Ms Giffords garment. Ms Mason has really become evocative of a cornered pig. I think she's the one to keep an eye on.

  9. I went back and looked at the picture of Beth Mason holding up a copy of GA's parody (you know, the picture with the Gothic lettering) and noticed just how sanctimonious and self-righteous she appears. What a sorry excuse for a human being she can be at times. Beth and Lane must have really worked hard on that one I'll bet!


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