Russo's Challenger

Meet Greg Lincoln, our future presi.. oh, I mean 3rd Ward City Councilman.

Go, Greg!


  1. Awesome graphic! I hope Greg uses a penny motif in his campaign!

  2. Greg Lincoln is the type of great candidate that won't stand for this:

    Very likely ELEC violations by Beth Mason with respect to Tim Occhipinti Campaign- Not just wheeling which is legal but suspect!

    The story:

    The report:

    Hoboken Journal - I report and you decide!

  3. As someone who has gotten to know Greg over the past couple of years I can assure the 3rd Warders that he is man of integrity. He won't use his postion to belittle or divide people. He is a family man who cares deeply about this town.He has been following the council meetings and has done more than his share for candidates he supports.


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