Tell 'em, Sista

In the teeming petri dish of Mason411, I found this gem:

"bunch of whiny little bitches".
.. ha ha ha ha...

You are so right, honey. They are whiny bitches. Some even worse... political operatives who coordinate smear campaigns with elected officials on our City Council-- think the Washington PAC NJDC and the Mason411-linked hit job planted by Beth Mason and her donor Larry Stempler.

Think Michael Novak trying to curry favor with the future City Council Queen of Smears by setting me up.

If the crown fits, wear it.

Get away from that place, girlfriend.

Come to the light.


  1. I can't believe that poster is long for this world with such a free thinking and commonsense perspective that clearly contradicts the dominant paradigm of Mason411 but kudos to bmacqueens. Is the post still there?

    I spent most of my life living in colder climates to the north where winter sets in for months with continuous snow and its attendant inconveniences (season long snow banks that grew into small mountains) but we called it winter not a political scandal. Even in colder climates blizzards are not that common and can catch a well coordinated, well equipped and experienced municipal snow removal team off guard shutting down school, airports and businesses. In view of Hoboken's inexperience and limited equipment the city is in pretty good shape all things considered following a rare blizzard.

    Why isn't anyone calling the blizzard to account? Oh I forgot Mayor Zimmer is the Ice Queen the weather goddess of blizzards. You can bet Mason will be after that title next only her blizzard will be much more impressive- equal to the way she spends money on her election campaigns and buying council seats for her pets.

  2. Hulla: It's still up as an hour ago.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Perry's got a poll calling Zimmer a failure up now. When I first read it earlier, it had been up less then an hour and had over 1200 responses. I wonder how many people he had to hire to get the vote so high.

  5. What a riot, Cheese... that's a response rate of 1 vote every 3 seconds!

    Too funny.

    Perry's getting Norma Desmondish in his desperation to prove he's not dead:

    "I AM big... it's the PICTURES that got small"

    "They took the idols and smashed them, the Fairbankses, the Gilberts, the Valentinos! And who've we got now? Some nobodies!"

    "Oh, wake up, Norma, you'd be killing yourself to an empty house. The audience left twenty years ago."

    What a coincidence; Perry's audience left 20 months ago. Maybe more.


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