H411 Fakes Poll Results- PROOF

One doesn't have to taste a fish to know when it's rotten; the putrid odor tells you all you need to know.

So when Hoboken411.com posted a poll yesterday that had 1200 votes within one hour (as reported by GA reader Cheese) the odor wafting from my monitor was unmistakable.

But, how to convince YOU people that Hoboken411's operation- in truth a Mason political spin machine that sells advertising- is built on fabricated web traffic claims and is in fact, a SHAM... well, there's the rub.

Because clouds of stink do not hold up in court. One must present evidence.

Well.. GA's got some.

Let's begin with Cheese's post:

Wow! That amounts to 1 vote every 3 seconds... a spectacular response. Mind you, I don't venture over there often. But I had to check this out.

Here's the Hoboken411 poll:

So I voted- the total number claimed in the results was over 1,400 votes- then left. That was yesterday evening.

This morning I checked back. And decided to vote again, for shits and giggles. But would the 411 poll let me vote twice? Either, YES, it would accept multiple votes from a single IP address or NO, it would take only vote per IP.

The poll didn't let me vote twice.

Instead, it supplied this message:

Haw... haw... haw...

Klaussen's 'poll' assigned my IP address an ID number when I voted the first time-- voter # 145.

So why did yesterday's result's indicate over 1,400 voters if I was the 145th voter?

I'll tell you why.

Because Hoboken411.com's poll's a SHAM.

Klaussen hosts the poll and like any host, serves company what he WANTS you to 'eat'. The purpose of the poll is thus:
  • to persuade you that he's (still) got great traffic
  • to persuade you there's a tidal wave of anger at the administration's response to the blizzard (if he's got to FAKE it then it ain't there)
  • to prime you for FUTURE polls (which will be similarly FIXED for your consumption)
Oh, this is rich.

Now, since Klaussen reads GA, let's see how he explains this one. Maybe the #145 message is a fake, too. 1,200 votes in under 1 hour. Right. So at that response rate he should have at least 15,000 votes by now.

Here were today's 'results':

Oh, the humanity!

In the meantime, I'm not the only one out there documenting what a SHAM that place is. Check out this post from the nj.com forum:

Now, Beth Mason, Michael Novak and any OTHER politico that partners with THAT disinformation venture... how does it feel to know that the withholding of critical emergency information such as the 911 outage is a public safety THREAT to our community?

THAT'S what you're supporting. That's what you ENDORSE with your patronage.

Because it's all about YOU. Not US, the people you purport to serve.


  1. This is not news! Hate411 is a creep, no wonder he has fallen off the ratings radar, that little poll is as credible as Timmay's win with HIGH number of votes shock and awe.

    btw you are doin' a rockin job of calling them out and love your blog.

    happy new year

  2. Thanks, Terence! You too, have a safe and happy one.

  3. What H411 has that the other blogs do not is a rant section. Some times you just need to rant.

    But then it might be the start of the slippery slide. You dedicate that much of your site to anger and what you attract to your site is angry people.

  4. Ga

    Have to give you props on the smack down of the fraudsters Stempler and Mason and their politrickery - imaginge tyring to use a priest -oops, that was done, wasn't it - to advance a political agenda. Well at least the Russo/Mason Cabal (has a nice ring to it, doesn't it) spits on and abuses the notion of religious leadership in a non-discriminatory manner.

  5. taith, I think having a rant section is OK.

    It was censorship, in my view, that was the end for H411. Klaussen launched HJ, MSV and GA by moderating all of us out of there.

    Frankly, I wouldn't have started this blog if my posts had appeared and were not held in H411's moderation purgatory. This happened to me (and many, many others) simply for expressing opinions contrary to those of Klaussen.

    I remember the post that got me on the 'moderation' list was one wondering why Lane Bajardi showed up to the BoE meeting dressed as the Keebler Elf (he was wearing purple and green Mason campaign colors). What was so terrible about that? Oh, right. No insulting his ghostwriter.

    Anyway, taith. Please know you can rant here anytime you want.

    And a Happy New Year to you and yours.

  6. Taith, Mason411 is the North Korea of blogging. You can "rant" if you want, but heaven help you if you say anything pro-administration, anti-machine, or even question what has been going on.

    There hasn't been a word about Occhipinti's 550 "workers" or Mason's $13,400 donation to his cause. Try "ranting" about any of that and see what happens to the post as well as your posting privileges.

  7. You said it better, Info.

    Watching certain politicos jump in the sack with Klaussen is great entertainment.

    I'm guessing Russo has the street smarts to steer clear of that place.

  8. The cover from Led Zeppelin 1 was a nice touch.

  9. Nothing Perry does shocks me anymore. It started with his screeching about the President trying to indoctrinate school kids into a socialist army when he gave a speech about staying in school, followed by the report a friend told me when they opened a new restaurant, "Perry came in and demanded a free meal in exchange for a good review," hit its high-water mark with the amazing Zimmer libel throughout the various elections and recently culminated when he had a whole rant about chemtrails (conspiracy that jet plane exhaust is actually psychoactive drugs meant to keep the public docile). It doesn't shock me, it depresses me. I still know a few of his followers in my local bar, and it saddens me to know word for word what their drunken yelling will be this week.

    Thing is, in this instance, he's not entirely wrong. This storm wasn't handled particularly well. That's not to say it was terrible, or catastrophic or reason for the mayor to be impeached. But not up to snuff. So even when the evidence is on his side, his jaw-dropping hyperbole ruins him. It also doesn't help that he lies with every breath.


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