A friend of mine sent me this email today:
if h411 would have read the mailer the city sent out several weeks ago to all it's residents they would have read that the pool was scheduled to open on July 19th.... I have the city's summer schedule tacked up on my refrigerator door for several weeks now... and that's what it says... no surprise.... H411 --- why bother with the facts when the lies are what make the story so much more interesting.....
This sounded familiar, so I waded into my precious pile o' crap-to-be-saved and lo and behold, found this:
Look familiar?
If you live in Hoboken (not you, Fish-boy), then you should have gotten one of these back in June or earlier. Can you read the date of operation for the swimming pool? I circled it to make it easy for you.
So why the drama over on know-nuthin411.com? Those 411-queens are screaming about not getting a 25% tax cut at the same time they're screaming the municipal pool isn't open for 2 additional weeks? Huh?
In my view, funding the municipal pool should be a higher priority than I believe it is.
But the issue here is honesty, which we know is a dirty word over at "Hoboken's most complete news and business website".
So what did H411's new Boy Wonder, Timmy O., have to say about the pool-opening kerfuffle?
Timmy, July 19th hasn't come yet. The administration hasn't lied to you. The administration hasn't broken their promise to the children of the city (see mailer). Recap: July 19th is in the FUTURE.
Now, Timmy. Get back to us on July 20th. If the pool is NOT open on July 20th, then repeat the above complaint and it WILL be true. But right now as it stands, it is empty, meaningless, political baloney meant to stir up angst and rage in the hot and sweaty masses.
Hold your complaint, Timmy. And please, read your mail.
if h411 would have read the mailer the city sent out several weeks ago to all it's residents they would have read that the pool was scheduled to open on July 19th.... I have the city's summer schedule tacked up on my refrigerator door for several weeks now... and that's what it says... no surprise.... H411 --- why bother with the facts when the lies are what make the story so much more interesting.....
This sounded familiar, so I waded into my precious pile o' crap-to-be-saved and lo and behold, found this:
If you live in Hoboken (not you, Fish-boy), then you should have gotten one of these back in June or earlier. Can you read the date of operation for the swimming pool? I circled it to make it easy for you.
So why the drama over on know-nuthin411.com? Those 411-queens are screaming about not getting a 25% tax cut at the same time they're screaming the municipal pool isn't open for 2 additional weeks? Huh?
In my view, funding the municipal pool should be a higher priority than I believe it is.
But the issue here is honesty, which we know is a dirty word over at "Hoboken's most complete news and business website".
So what did H411's new Boy Wonder, Timmy O., have to say about the pool-opening kerfuffle?
“Why is the only community pool opening nearly a month after school ended?” asked 4th Ward resident and City Council candidate, Tim Occhipinti, “When I asked them a few months ago, the administration confirmed that the pool would open on time. Now, they are failing to stand by their promise to the children of our city.”
Timmy, the administration is opening the pool on July 19th. They notified the entire city weeks ago (see above mailer).Timmy, July 19th hasn't come yet. The administration hasn't lied to you. The administration hasn't broken their promise to the children of the city (see mailer). Recap: July 19th is in the FUTURE.
Now, Timmy. Get back to us on July 20th. If the pool is NOT open on July 20th, then repeat the above complaint and it WILL be true. But right now as it stands, it is empty, meaningless, political baloney meant to stir up angst and rage in the hot and sweaty masses.
Hold your complaint, Timmy. And please, read your mail.
Occhipinti wins for 1st egg on the face and so early in the campaign. For someone who claims to be an active member of Hoboken’s Boys & Girls Club Advisory Board Occhipinti is curiously uninformed.
ReplyDeleteOh I get it, Occhipinti is one of those "I want a lower taxes but I dont want any of my services cut" type of people.
ReplyDeleteLet me know if he ever does anything that isn't just playing to the grandstand.
ReplyDeleteNot holding my breath.
I ran in to Tim at the recent parents project play group meeting at the Boys and Girls Club . While standing within spitting distance of the closed pool, Tim said nothing during the open Q&A portion.
ReplyDeleteWith Council members Lenz, Marsh, Assemblyman Ramos and Director Mayer standing there Tim stood along the side, his sunglass drawn over his face never saying a peep.
The flowers his group planted (nice deed) were wilting (nearly dead) and unmaintained in reality, but brilliant in color photos on his HV site...
So much for Occhipini's pledge for a clean campaign unless he considers his smear collaboration with H411 in keeping with the highest standards of integrity. Here's his pledge in Patch:
ReplyDelete"As far making sure the campaign is clean, he said his side is committed to the "highest standards of integrity.""This will be a clean campaign from anything that I can personally control," he said."
Maybe he is just stupid? Give the guy a break for crying out loud. Not everyone who submits an article or letter to 411 is some evil devious slime merchant. Some people are just plain stupid, lack common sense or are just off their rocker. It also sounds like if he had spent half as much energy asking city hall why the pool was closed he wouldn't have needed to write anything.
ReplyDeleteRed, I know you have a sharp sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteIn case you're not kidding I will ask you this: do you want a "plain stupid" guy representing the 4th Ward on the City Council who is also the 'swing vote' either with or against the 'Council of No'?
ReplyDeletehave to agree with GA. Being a nice guy, albeit stupid, lazy and/or just naieve is not any reason to vote for him. This race is not just about the 4th Ward. If he crashes and burns so easily, how can he be expected to handle anything of substance that comes before the Council - and there are plenty of substantive issues that have to be addressed.
ReplyDeleteIf I missed your humor, I apologize. I just get passionate about this stuff everytime I open up my mail and am reminded how much I pay to Hoboken in taxes, which happened this morning.
I already said elsewhere that I never in a million years would vote for the fool and that was before he started submitting stuff to 411. I wasn't being serious and I shudder to think what another idiot on the city council might do in damage. I was also pointing out that a simple phone call that other people seemed to be able to make would have answered all his questions and completely negated the need to write his letter. At best the guy is stupid, at worst he is an aspiring political hack out to make a career out of selling out taxpayers at every opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI wish the pool was open after July 4th. If Tim and others really cared they would have organized his Hoboken Volunteers for a fund raiser. I would have attended.